Welcome to the School of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Innovative learning and co-creation of teaching methodology for scaling entrepreneurship in food and agribusiness in Sub-Saharan Africa
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The year 2021 has brought with it mixed feelings and reactions. With the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the whole world has changed in many aspects. We have learnt, and we are still learning, to do things differently. The effects of COVID-19 have brought out the real definition of what education is, that “Education is a process that changes cocksure ignorance into thoughtful uncertainty” (K.G. Johnson).
While we have seen devastating effects of COVID-19, it is important to be positive and keep working to innovate. With our highly competent academic and technical staff, the School of Agriculture and Natural Resources has continued working hard to serve the students, the University community and Zambian citizens at large. Our beekeeping project where we are producing honey, and being consumed country-wide is a great success. Our partnership with several government and private organizations in the country including international institutions is, undoubtedly, bringing a lot of value to the School and the University at large. With the establishment of the Mulungushi University Agribusiness Board, we expect to see transformation of the University Farm into an entity that will be a hive of activity in many areas, including research, teaching, apprenticeship, production, processing, etc. Through these activities, we expect to enhance the School’s contribution to knowledge and skills, not only to students and the University but to the farming community and the general public. Further, we expect to enhance revenue generation for the University.
In the near future, we plan to rebrand the School so that it can play a much bigger role in society and also attract more learners. One thing to be appreciated is that by nature, the science and art of agriculture is very complex and diverse. Practicing agriculture requires diverse knowledge, fine skill, energy, persistence, resilience and dedication. It is also important to realize that agriculture is the primary industry of life since most of the food consumed by human beings comes from it. In the developing world, malnutrition (particularly under-nutrition) is a major cause of stunting and deaths, especially among children. Through the existing academic programmes and those that are being developed now, the School of Agriculture and Natural Resources is poised to contribute to the positive change of Zambia’s landscape of food production in order to build a healthy Zambia. We aim to professionalize the science of agriculture in order to enhance productivity and make more nutrients (in particular micronutrients) available to both the young and old generations. Yes we can!
Sincere thanks go to University Management for the strength, flexibility and support rendered to the School in its ambitions to achieve great things. We also thank our numerous partners who have supported and keep supporting us in many ways, including sponsorship of graduation prizes, donation of literature as well as contribution of financial and other resources for various projects. We wish to invite more partners to partner with us, particularly in the area of research and development in order to enhance innovation, as true wealth creation is in innovation.
Finally, we invite all would-be students who want to come to Mulungushi University and would like to be challenged in life, to seriously consider getting into the School of Agriculture and Natural Resources. This is the School that will give you endless opportunities in your real life.
Wishing you God’s abundant blessings!

Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness

Head of Department (HoD) and Senior Lecturer- Agricultural EconomicsPROF. EMMANUEL C. MUSABAEmail: emusaba@mu.ac.zm
1. Agricultural productivity analysis
2. Public spending and Agricultural sector performance analysis
3. Agricultural technology adoption

Lecturer- AgribusinessMr. Idani LichiloE-mail: ilichilo@mu.ac.zm
Specialization: 1. Agricultural Policy Analysis 2. Management of Farm Enterprises 3. Agricultural Development Economics

LecturerMr James K. Mutambo E-mail: jmutambo@mu.ac.zm
Specialization: Agricultural Cooperative Development and Farm Economics and Finance

Lecturer- Agribusiness ManagementMr. Edward M. SyampakuE-mail: esyampaku@yahoo.com
Specialization: Organizational management, agribusiness planning and financing

Lecturer- Agricultural EconomicsMrs chalwe sunga- kwangu Email: chalwesunga@yahoo.com
Specialization: Value chain analysis and agricultural market analysis.
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

DeanDr. Mitulo SilengoE-mail: msilengo@mu.ac.zm
Specialization: Disaster Risk Reduction & Management; Environment & Development

Head of Department (HoD) and LecturerMr. Joseph Thokozani MwaleE-mail: jmwale@mu.ac.zm
Specialization: Agricultural and Bio-systems Engineering; Hydrology and Earth System Science
LecturerDr. Adrian PhiriEmail: aphiri@mu.ac.zm

Lecturer and Special Research FellowMr. Francis M. Sichilima Email: fsichilima@mu.ac.zm
Specialization: Environmental Engineering and Technology; Safety and Health Engineering
Lecturer and Special Research FellowDr Malunga MwapeEmail: mmalunga@mu.ac.zm
Land Use planning and Geographical Information System (GIS)

Lecturer and Special Research FellowDr. Siatwiinda M. SiatwiindaEmail: ssiatwiinda@mu.ac.zm
Specialization: Climate Change mitigation and adaptation; Food security and soil nutrient management
Department of Agricultural Biotechnology and Bio-sciences

Head of Department (HoD); Lecturer and Special Research FellowMr Nchimunya BbebeEmail: bnchimunya@mu.ac.zm
Specialization: Plant Breeding and Seed Systems

Lecturer Mrs. Kalima Kabanda-NsamaE-mail: kkabanda@mu.ac.zm
Specialization: Soil Chemistry and Land resources management

LecturerDr Paul SimfukweEmail: psimfukwe@mu.ac.zm
Specialization: • Land aggradation and conservation; Natural Resource management