Featured Online Short Courses
School of Agriculture and Natural Sciences
Designing Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies
various sectors of the economy threatening the ambitions of sustainable development. There are two prominent ways to respond to this contemporary global challenge, i.e. by reducing and stabilizing the levels of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (“mitigation”)
and adapting to the climate change already in the pipeline (“adaptation”).
Climate Change and Social Justice
Market-Oriented Farm Management in Zambia
A training programme on market-oriented farm management in Zambia. It will be interactive, learning-based programme which will be designed to help professional extension workers in various districts of the country support smallholder farmers, various farmer groups, Women and Youth, processors, Cooperatives who are beginning or who are already selling produce on the market. The aim is to increase the capacity of these farmers and groups to manage their farms effectively to increase their profitability.
Management Of Input Supply Cooperatives
The course is designed to impart practical knowledge and skills in organising, operating and controlling input supply cooperatives. It covers definition, role and scope of input supply cooperatives, objectives, financial management, decisions on refunds and losses, pricing policies, formation procedures, growth and dissolution.
Financial Management For Farm Enterprises
The course is designed to impart practical knowledge and skills in making and managing farm finances for progressing various enterprises. The course covers importance of keeping financial records, types of farm financial records, farm input and activity budgeting, cashflow preparation, generation of production accounts, income statements and balance sheets, measures of farm business progress and success, and evaluation
Professional Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety
This short course is intended to develop manpower equipped with skills and knowledge in principles and the practice of Occupational Health and Safety. It will provide skills to professionals who will be involved in surveillance of occupational hazards and implement interventions that will reduce occupational injuries and diseases in the workplace.
Management Of Marketing Cooperatives
The course is designed to impart practical knowledge and skills in managing marketing cooperatives and contribute towards effective cooperative organization. The course covers definition, scope, role and importance of marketing cooperatives, alternative organizational structures, functional and financial management, refunds and loss management, pricing and marketing policies, procedures of formation, growth and dissolution.
Management Of Consumer Cooperatives
The course is designed to impart practical knowledge and skills in organising, operating and controlling consumer cooperatives. It covers definition, role and scope of input supply cooperatives, objectives, financial management, decisions on refunds and losses, pricing policies, formation procedures, growth and dissolution.
Geographical Information System (Gis) And Remote Sensing
In modern technology, creation, distribution, integration and manipulation of information has become a significant economic, political, and cultural activity. Giving a spatial dimension to data and performing spatial analysis in a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) environment speeds up interpretation and visualization which subsequently faster decision making in designing and implementation of programs.
Gis And Remote Sensing In Disaster Risk Management
Training Course on GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Risk Management Course is targeted at professionals who require knowledge and skills on the use of GIS and RS in their organization in the field of disaster management. Participants are welcome from a broad range of organizations including physical planning, institutions, professionals and private GIS and RS related firms.
Crop Marketing
The course is designed to impart practical knowledge and skills in managing crop marketing for maize objectively. The course covers importance of marketing planning and implementation, risk appraisal, inventory management, marketing cost and revenue record, marketing audit and review.
Bee Keeping
This course is designed to equip the trainees with knowledge, skills and values in bee keeping. The course outlines the importance of bee-keeping and exploits management issues in order to enable trainees benefit from beekeeping in enhancing their livelihoods. Emphasis shall be put on identification of key requirements for bee-keeping, harvesting and management, and marketing of various beekeeping products.
School of Social Sciences
Stata is one of the many statistical softwares used for managing and analyzing quantitative data. It mostly consist of advanced analytical functions among them being time basic data analysis, series analysis, and survival analysis and forecasting. Given the aforementioned, practioners and students whose interest involve having further interrogation of data to make decisions may find this software to be very hand. Specifically this short course is aimed at researchers and students whose interest is to enhance the statistical analysis skills in an easier and accurate manner.
School of Business Studies
Professional Diploma in Programme Planning, Monitoring And Evaluation
This is a professional course which aims to provide development practitioners with key elements needed for Programme Planning and operationalizing a Monitoring and Evaluation system. Emphasis will be put on participatory methods that promote stakeholder commitment for sustainability. In addition to lecture format the training will also use participatory methodologies and as much as possible be practical and relevant to the needs of industry.
Professional Certificate in People Management
The introduction of this short course on People Management is based on the observed need for managers of people in various public and private institutions that may require to renew their knowledge on management of people and or have not had an opportunity during their work life course to learn how to manage people in work environments but do directly or indirectly supervise and superintend over the human resources of an institution’s department, or overall organization. These include engineers, healthcare practitioners, scientists, business owners to mention a few. By so doing, such prospective clients would then be equipped with requisite and up to date knowledge and skills on how to manage people which will make them better positioned to effectively run institutions and minimize workplace conflicts and avert possible labour turn over that arise from poor people management in workplaces.
Professional Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
The Professional Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Innovation is designed to equip aspiring entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals with the knowledge, skills, and mindset to create, manage, and scale successful business ventures. This comprehensive program blends theoretical concepts with practical applications to help participants identify opportunities, drive innovation, and develop sustainable business solutions.
Professional Diploma in Evidence Based Learning and Knowledge Management (PELKM)
The Professional Diploma in Evidence Based Learning and Knowledge Management (PELKM) is a short course designed to impart knowledge and share knowledge and experiences among industry practitioners through a controlled learning environment. The course is concerned with programs and projects that deal with creating behavioral and social change in communities through specific project interventions ranging from health, climate change adaptation and social justice, gender based violence, youth leaders development and political actors so as to enable participants to learn and know how to become change agents and development champions.
Professional Diploma in Human Rights: Law and Prac
Human Rights education has become one of the most important in the industry. The hunger among people to know about their rights is both a duty for universities to undertake and a business opportunity. Most Civil Society Organisations have been calling for tailor-made courses in human rights which they are willing to sponsor people to undertake. We can target NGOCC, Women for Change, and CCJP among others for such a course. It can also be a hot cake among members of the general public if properly and intensively marketed.
Professional Diploma in Procurement and Supply Chain Management
The Professional Diploma in Procurement and Supply Chain Management is designed to provide comprehensive knowledge and practical skills for individuals seeking to excel in the field of procurement and supply chain management. This diploma program aims to equip students with a deep understanding of the principles, strategies, and best practices essential for effective procurement and supply chain operations in various industries.
Alternative Dispute Resolution In Labour Matters
And General Practice
The target group for this course are trade unionists, managers and human resource practitioners. The need to resolve disputes amicably is important as it preserves the employer-employee relation and also serves time and finances which may be wasted if people litigate unnecessarily.
Conflict Management In The Workplace
This course will give you skills in conflict management to successfully turn disagreements and conflict into productive communication. As a result you can not only solve your shared problems but also grow in emotional intelligence and experience enjoyable connections with others in the workplace and beyond.
Financial Modeling In Excel
Financial Accounting for Non-Finance Personnel
Corporate/Professional Social Media Management
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a term used to describe the strategies and practices used by businesses to manage their interactions with customers and improve customer satisfaction. The goal of CRM is to build strong, long lasting relationships with customers by understanding their needs, preferences, and behaviours.
Building Digital Presence
In today’s digital age, establishing a strong digital presence has become essential for business and individuals alike. A digital presence refers to the online representation and visibility of a brand, organization or individuals across various digital platforms and channels. It encompasses websites, social media profiles, online directories, search engines results, and any other online touch points where an entity can interact with its target audience.
There are many reasons why consumers or companies need to build digital presence. Among the many, a well-developed digital presence ensures that a company’s brand is visible to a broader audience. Secondly, building a digital presence has other advantages like building of trust and credibility within your target audience as a company or institution. Lastly, digital platforms provides avenues for direct interaction and engagement with customers.
School of Engineering & Technology
Applied Data Science
School of Natural and Applied Sciences
Radiation, Protection, Dosimetry and Detectors
The Radiation, Protection, Dosimetry and Detectors short course offered by Mulungushi University will help you learn about the basics of radiation physics with theory and applications in detection of ionising radiation, radiation protection, and dosimetry
Laboratory Quality Management System
This course is meant to provide in depth knowledge to learners on important elements surrounding quality management in the laboratory. The course focuses on issues that bounders on credibility and reliability of laboratory results. The course further runs through understanding and implementation of the requirement of necessary standards related to testing and calibration laboratories.
Mushroom Culture Technology
Food and financial insecurity are becoming prominent issues facing much of the developing world. As population densities in these already resource constrained regions continue to increase, it is inherent that a source of sustainable income and a reliable food source be provided, especially to rural populations. Mushroom cultivation is an environmentally benign, sustainable source of nourishment that is rapidly growing to become a profitable sector of agriculture. Developing this sector in Zambia will be instrumental in transforming the livelihoods at a higher rate and in starting a small business in mushroom cultivation.
School of Education
Assessment and Evaluation Procedures in Education
The programme will provide students with a fundamental understanding of the core assessment principles with regard to designing reliable, fair, valid assessment and it will also challenge them to infuse these core principles into designing new assessments that will have a greater positive impact on student learning and achievement.
Teaching Methodology
English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
The course provides a platform for students whose first language is not English but who have little or no exposure to the language. These are students who would otherwise be expected to study the language at a higher and appropriate level than this one.
French for Beginners
School Of Medicine and Health Sciences
Data Analysis & Interpretation
Data analysis skills are often a rare skill among researchers and students. The majority usually hire a statistician to perform data analysis and remain ignorant to the concepts of data analysis. However, data analysis and interpretation is a valuable skill for researchers and statisticians especially those whose work relating to data analysis is ongoing.
Manuscript Writing and Publication
Scientific writing is a skill that must be learnt. Publishing in a journal is usually a challenge as most journals have a high rate of manuscript rejection. In almost all cases, the way the manuscript is written and the data presented are the reason for rejection. This course is absolutely tailored to help researchers write sound manuscripts for the international audience and publish successfully. As Universities are ranked on publication history, this course will enhance and improve the overall status of not only Mulungushi University, and its faculty, but the community of schools in Zambia and the international as well.
Ethics and Data Management
This course is designed to provide the researcher with ethical issues encountered in research and how to handle ethical issues. The leaner will also be oriented with the operations of the Zambia National Health Research Authority (NHRA) regulations. The course also covers management of data for research in a timely, accurate and quality way.
Research Protocol Development
This course is designed to provide the skills necessary for researchers to design and write up a full research protocol appropriate to the field of study. A well written research protocol is fundamental to success in achieving the intended research aims and solving the intended problem.